14 Simple Home Organization Tips To Make Your Life Easier
When beginning a home organization project, make sure that you are prepared
for the task at hand. Take a
step back and evaluate the situation and make sure that you make the
necessary preparations to get started.
After you complete your home organization project, please bear in mind that
if on a day to day basis you consistently pick up after yourself, put things
back where they came from and plan ahead you wont have to keep organizing on a
large scale.
Now that you've rolled up your sleeves, take a few minutes to look around
you. Assess the rooms that really need attention.
Keep a note pad handy to make quick notes as to all the trouble spots that
need to be organized.
List the things that need to be done for each room.
For Example : Organizing Your Bathroom
Throw away expired medication
Clear out empty jars or bottles
Re-stock toiletries
Organize hair accessories, makeup products, hygiene items in plastic
containers or decorative but functional baskets and store them away. Not
everything needs to be laid out on the bathroom counter.
Find solutions for the pesky home organization or storage problems.
Whether you will need more shelving Units, storage bins or labels. But once you determine what is needed when doing household organizing, make sure that it is used properly & consistently.
Even the best storage or filing
system is bound for failure if you or your family resort to placing things
anywhere anyhow.
When it comes to good Home Organization - There has to be an attitude
If when you look around your home and the room on the left looks familiar, get up and start cleaning and organizing your home. There's no way you are gonna feel truly relaxed and at peace in a cluttered living space.
Home Organization Tips
Throw away junk mail as soon as you get them
Keep bills due for payment all in one place - Highlight due dates & sort
by these dates
Put away important documents. - Make sure that they are tagged with clear
& easy to read labels.
Keep all your magazines in once place - Make a habit of throwing them out or
recycling them if they are more than 6 months old.
Have a central spot for your keys - It can get real crazy in the mornings
digging up & throwing around stuff trying to find your keys
Have a basket especially for wallets or purses & cell phones and keep it
at a secure fixed location
When watching TV tidy up during commercial breaks - Fluff the pillows, put
away the magazines, spray some air or fabric refresher, put out the trash, fold
the laundry
Do a quick clean at nights before bed - Clear the table, wash up the dishes,
prepare lunch overnight, make sure that the kid’s bags are packed & ready
for tomorrow
Layout the next day’s outfit that you plan to wear
Prepare weekly meal plans & have those plans with you when out shopping
Set up digital reminders or regularly review your calendar to ensure that
you are on target with your appointments
Clean the junk out of your car every weekend
From time to time organize with your kids and have the toys that are no
longer age appropriate or needed to be donated to charity
For every new dress or shoe you buy donate 2 - This will not only keep your
styles current and make space in your closet but will also put a smile on
another person’s face & a “shirt on their back”.
So do you ...
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How I Handle My Home Organization Projects Not rated yet Hello,
I am Terry-Ann and I work away from home, Mondays to Saturdays. I live alone but because i work 6 days a week I only have Sundays to rest and …
When it comes to household organizing and getting things done, practice makes perfect. Everything should have it's own place. If it doesn't,
throw it out or give it away.
Put stuff back where you took it from.
Develop good habits and I guarantee you that your life will be a whole lot
simpler. Giving you more time to relax at home.
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